Real-World Learning;
Real-World Impact
Gain digital resources & digital collections preservation through hosting Washington College digital scholars in their facilities.
Our Public Schools
Gain technology-enhanced teaching materials to meet Social Studies standards using the digital resources created by the partnership between WC digital scholars & museums.
Benefits from the new resources created through synergistic relationship between Washington College, museum partners and community organizations.
When students lead through learning, they make a real impact.
The Digital Scholarship in Community Partnerships project seeks to engage Washington College students in authentic learning experiences by embedding technology-enhanced museum partnership projects into instruction.
Through this project, students work in partnership with local museums to develop technology-rich outreach resources which help convey the message of the museum to the world. Working with the museum affords students the opportunity to apply concepts and best practices learned in the classroom to a project that makes a real impact for the local community.
Resources created by students involved in the project are then leveraged by local school systems to develop instructional sequences that utilize these resources to meet state standards through the teaching of local history.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
Chinese Proverb
Initial Partnership:
Betterton Heritage Museum
Washington College Museum Studies and Orientation Explore students are gaining valuable real-world curatorial experience by creating a Virtual Reality (VR) exhibit for the Betterton Heritage Museum. The resulting digital resources will be used as classroom resources in the local public schools and the museum will have new ways to share its collection with the world!
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