A portion of our team, comprised of Washington College faculty and staff as well as community partners, presented at the Mid Atlantic Association of Museums Annual Meeting on October 18, 2019 at the Thayer Hotel in West Point, NY. We were joined by Executive Director of University Collections, Indiana University Bloomington and former Washington College archivist, Heather Calloway who contributed a forward to our presentation.
See below for session description.
Small Is A Strength: Creating High-Tech Museum Experiences in a Small, Rural Museum through Strategic Community Partnerships Friday, October 18 | 11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Virtual reality (VR) and digitization projects may seem out of reach or small, rural, community-curated museums. However, one such museum, a college, and a public middle school achieved such a thing on a next-to-nothing budget, and they now all benefit from the final product! This session will provide an in-depth discussion of the large-scale interdisciplinary, The Digital Scholarship in Community Partnerships project undertaken by a Washington College students, Betterton Heritage Museum, and Kent County Public Schools. This session will counterpoint to prevailing assumptions about the resources required for such projects, and outlines a set of best-practice suggestions for collaborations of this nature.
Raven Bishop N.B.C.T., Instructional Technologist,Washington College, Chestertown, MD
Sara Clarke-Vivier, PhD, Museum Education & Program Assessment Specialist; Assistant Professor of Education,Washington College, Chestertown, MD;
Candi Sorge, Lead Curator, Betterton Heritage Museum, Betterton, MD;
Carter Miller, Social Studies Teacher, Kent County Middle School, Kent County Public Schools, Chestertown, MD;
Heather Calloway, Executive Director of University Collections, Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN
Thank you, MAAM, for creating such a welcoming and engaging space! Our team gained valuable information, ideas and inspiration during our time at the annual meeting.